Tristan Kevitch and his Chapman teammates are headed to the championship series. (Photo courtesy...
OC Sports Zone
Garrett Mitchell out of Orange Lutheran has been one of the standouts on the...
Villa Park’s Alex Pimentel (No. 27) will be on the Century League team in...
Chapman pitcher Tyler Peck got another big honor Monday. (Photo courtesy Larry Newman, For...
Crean Lutheran honored its award winners at a breakfast last week. From left Aiden...
Keana Pola (right) of Godinez, shown with her sister Savannah Pola, was named MVP...
Chapman’s baseball team celebrates Saturday after winning the Super Regional at Hart Park. (Photo...
The Northwood Little League Saints celebrate the city championship. (Photo courtesy Irvine Saints) The...
Chapman players (from left) Henry Zeisler, Tristan Kevitch and Brad Shimabuku celebrate Friday. (Photo...
Tyler Guo capped his second straight title Thursday. (Photo courtesy Crean Lutheran). Crean Lutheran...