Santa Ana was among the high school teams who played a game at Angel...
Kaden Garrett with his father, Tesoro Coach Steve Garrett. (Photos: Fernando M. Donado, For...
Tournament MVP Lance Coleman II and head coach Perry Webster cut down the nets...
Mission Viejo’s Griff Higgins, the MVP of the Tustin Holiday Classic, brings the ball...
Capistrano Valley Christian players hold their CIF Divison 3A championship plaque after defeating Palm...
Bradley Burdick of Tustin is defended by Joey Longo of Trabuco Hills in the...
The Troy Warriors pose with their third-place trophy after edging host Covina, 56-53, in...
Newport Harbor’s Robbie Spooner drives to the basket in Monday’s game. (Photo: Fernando M....
Northwood’s Trent Harper races in to try and block a shot by Jackson Barnhill...
Kaden Garrett (left) and Matt DeAngelo of Tesoro were named all-tournament. (Photo Tim Burt,...