Orange and Villa Park captains gather at the center of the field as game...
Malachi Alatorre, who led Western in rushing, celebrates near the end of the game...
Segerstrom’s Ayden Morales heads for a touchdown as Fern Dircio of Santa Ana Valley...
Saddleback players celebrate as the alma mater is played by the band. (Photos: Tim...
Villa Park senior running back Zaiden Kinney goes on a foot chase for a...
Northwood High School’s football team topped Sonora 26-8 Friday night in a home game...
(Graphic: Fernando M. Donado, For OC Sports Zone)l;l;ll It’s a big Friday night of...
Josh Monroe gains yards for Capo Valley Christian Thursday night vs. University. (Photos courtesy...
Capo Valley Christian head coach Brandon Camarillo talks to his players after the win....
(Graphic: Fernando M. Donado, For OC Sports Zone) Week one of high school football...