The CIF football playoffs are here and begin with four games involving Orange County...
Northwood quarterback Eugene Miyata and his teammates open on the road Friday night. (Photo...
Note: Open Division Thursday for first round matches. Matches scheduled for 5 p.m. Division...
It was Friday night date night for Corona del Mar, with players asking girls...
Schedule for Saturday’s CIF girls volleyball finals (Division 9 Friday) Division 1 Sierra Canyon...
Games Friday at 7 p.,m., unless noted (some games on Thursday and Saturday). Division...
Opening round pairings for the 2022 Jim Harris Memorial Varsity Boys Basketball Tournament at...
Jadyn Zdanavage of Portola High School made her college decision this week. (Photo courtesy...
It was the day that high school football fans, coaches and players have been...
Seven Orange County teams earned top seeds in the CIF football playoffs announced Sunday....