Santa Ana was among the high school teams who played a game at Angel...
Mission Viejo’s Griff Higgins, the MVP of the Tustin Holiday Classic, brings the ball...
Crean Lutheran’s girls basketball team went 4-0 over the weekend to capture the championship...
Fans look on during Friday’s second round at the Tustin Holiday Classic. (Photo: Fernando...
Eugene Ku of Woodbridge applies defensive pressure against Cajon Thursday. (Photo Tim Burt, OC...
Mission Viejo will take on Murrieta Valley Friday at 4 p.m. (Photo Tim Burt,...
Northwood’s Xavier Cousar (No. 76) was the defensive MVP. (Photos: Fernando M. Donado, For...
Brandon Yue led Portola to the Pacific Coast League title. (Photos: Fernando M. Donado,...
Portola quarterback Brandon Yue drops back to pass in a game this season. (File...
Newport Harbor’s boys basketball team captured the championship of the St. Margaret’s Tournament, defeating...