March 5, 2025

OC Sports Zone: Community First

State’s decision allowing high school sports camps to start welcomed by ADs and coaches

Corona del Mar’s football team, the defending CIF champion, takes the field during the championship game last season. (File photo: Fernando M. Donado, For OC Sports Zone)

High school athletic camps will most likely be able to open throughout Orange County and the state next week if they follow new guidelines, according to Irvine Unified School District Athletic Director Mark Cunningham.

“We will need to look at what the California Superintendent of schools provides on Monday and then go from there,” Cunningham said “My overall reaction is this is great news provided we can proceed safely.”

Schools will also be allowed to open if they meet the guidelines, state officials said.

High school athletics in Orange County and throughout the state have been shut down since last spring as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the question of summer camps and the start of fall sports, including football, has been very much up in the air.

The announcement on Monday is expected to lead the way for high school athletic camps, which are held prior to the fall season, to begin. The camps in the Irvine Unified School District are scheduled to start on Monday, June 22, Cunningham said. District officials have left open the option of pushing the dates back, but based on Friday’s announcement from the state, that may not be necessary and they can go on as scheduled.

“We have to take a look at what the state superintendent is saying and then also exactly what the governor’s guidelines say so it’s going to take us a little bit of time to evaluate and fortunately we have two weeks,” said Cunningham, who is also an assistant coach on the CdM football team.

“”If it looks like we can do it, then each sport is going to have to provide us with the safety measures they are going to be implementing in those camps…”

Cunningham said the district officials will then provide feedback on whether those changes are sufficient.

It appears that individual school districts throughout the county will have to make decisions on whether the summer camps can be held.

Tony Thurmond, the state superintendent of instruction, on Monday will release the California Department of Education’s document, which will have guidelines and provide recommendations for schools as they work with their local public health officials and communities on the next steps, according to a release from the state.

Monday’s guidelines are expected to address facial coverings, social distancing and sympton screening, according to the release.

CIF Commissioner Rob Wigod issued a statement to OC Sports Zone on the state’s announcement Friday:

“As we have said consistently, decisions on when to allow athletic activities to return to high school campuses, and in what format those programs will be conducted, will be the responsibility of local schools/school districts/private school leadership, following the recommendations and guidelines provided by state and local authorities and health professionals,” he said. “We are currently under Summertime Rules, which state that summer programs are under the authority of the high school principal.”

The state’s ruling does not appear to necessarily guarantee the return of summer camps at all high schools. Orange High athletic director Alicia Seevers said the team’s athletic schools are waiiting for further word from officials with the Orange Unified School District before making any decision.

“Our last day of school is June 11 and then we are taking our dead period from June 12-25, with us being able to start up June 29 having fulfilled our CIF dead period requirement,” Seevers said.

But she emphasized “we cannot start anything until we have the permission from our district office.”

Earlier this week, officials with the Newport Mesa Unified School District announced that summer sports had been cancelled. But Estancia Athletic Director Nate Goellrich said he was hoping for possible changes after additional rulings.

“This a great step into starting to get things back to normal,” Goellrich said Friday. “I look forward to seeing what the guidelines will look like when they are released.

“We have a meeting on Tuesday with all athletic directors in the Newport Mesa School District with district personnel. This will be the main topic of conversation.

“There has been no change to our current status with summer programs; but with this new information and the anticipated information from CIF, I am sure discussions will take place on if we could hold safe summer programs for our student athletes.”

Most football teams are scheduled to open the season Friday, Aug. 21 but those dates could be moved back depending on the status of the coronavirus pandemic, officials have said.

“I think this is great news, but we need to be cautious,” said Laguna Hills football coach Mike Maceranka. “Each district will take a different approach and I am hopeful we can return to play in a safe and healthy environment. We are moving in a good direction. Whenever we get the green light we will be ready.”

Wigod, the CIF commissioner said in an interview with OC Sports Zone that all options are on the table for the fall, winter and spring sports.

Tustin Unified School District spokesman Mark Eliot said Saturday that “Tustin Unified School District coaches, athletic directors and high school administrators are currently drafting plans to safely return adhering to CDC and Orange County Health Care Agency recommendations.  TUSD coaches return plans are in alignment with the National Federation of State High School Associations’s Guidance for Opening Up High School Athletics and Activities.”

The Tustin district includes Beckman, Tustin and Foothill high schools. Beckman is in the same Pacific Coast Conference as the Irvine high schools. The school is located in Irvine but part of the Tustin district. Santa Ana Unified School Distict officials have not announced plans for summer camps.

There is stil a question of whether schools will be back to regular summer school sessions after the announcement. Cunningham said there could be a combination of on-line and in person education in IUSD. But if schools do open, a number of guidelines will have to be followed such as social distancing in classrooms.

“I think schools will be allowed to open, provided you follow these certain steps,” Cunningham said.

-Tim Burt, OC Sports Zone;