March 4, 2025

OC Sports Zone: Community First

Woodbridge Athletic Boosters supporting event Thursday at Islands

Islands in the Woodbridge area of Irvine will have an event on Thursday. (Photo courtesy Islands)

Woodbridge High’s Athletic Booster Club is supporting an event at Islands Restaurant in Irvine on Thursday, March 26 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The event will benefit senior citizens in the area, according to organizers.

Islands is located at 4020 Barranca Parkway in Irvine. Zip code is 92604.

The booster club is supporting Island’s event, said Jay Lyon, president of the Woodbridge Athletic Booster Club. He added it will not generate any funds for the school’s athletic booster club.

“This is an opportunity for our organization to support a major contributing sponsor to WHS Athletics,” Lyon said.

“They have always been there for us, and now is a unique time for us to support them.  The great thing about this event is that for every meal that is purchased, a meal will be provided to a local senior citizen.  We’re calling on our athletic community to support our partner and the senior citizens in Woodbridge.”

The booster club has also been promoting the event on social media, including Facebook.

Islands and other restaurants have been closed to walk-up traffic ever since Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order last week that only essential services including restaurants remain open due to the coronavirus crisis.

Restaurants were allowed to remain open, but only for walk-up. Islands has continued its walk-up service taking orders said general manager Jeanette Conde. Similar events were held last week for other Islands restaurants in Orange County, she said.

Customers will be able to order their food on-line and over the phone and also make orders at a drive-through window at the restaurant, she said.

All employees will be following CDC guidelines, including social distancing, she added.

“We’re going to be doing a drive through so it’s all curbside,” Conde said. “Every guest will be staying in their cars and we’re going to have our employees running the food over to each and every guest.”

Conde said restaurant officials are appreciative of Woodbridge’s support.

“We’ve been partners with Woodbridge for a long time,” she said. “We just want our partners and the neighborhood to know that we’re here, we’re doing takeouts and we’re here still going to be here in the future to partner with them and to support them in the future as well.”

Customers have two options on Thursday.

“They can do a web order and they can do call-in orders,” Conde said. “We are going to be setting up a little drive through window where we will have a tent outside and an employee to take orders on an I-pad. So there is no need for any guest to leave their vehicle. And we’re directing them to park in a certain area of our parking lot where we can them take the food directly to their vehicle. We are adhering to the social distancing.”

For every meal purchased one meal will be donated to a local senior citizens center.

“It’s all being run by corporate,” Conde said. “They are partnering with senior organizations in each of the Islands communities and they are doing a daily entre count so every day we’re doing takeout each entre count is being counted and we’re matching that number to donate to senior organizations in our community.”

The full menu will be available on Thursday, except for appetitizers and happy hour programs, Conde said.

“We’re known for our hamburgers, also ABC has lifted the rule against alcohol for takeout (for those 21 and over) so we are actually selling unopened bottles of beer and unopened bottles of wine at a discounted price for takeout as well,” she said.

To place phone orders: 949 552-1888

Web address:

-Tim Burt, OC Sports Zone;