Tesoro coach Steve Garrett, shown during a timeout Wednesday night, leads his team into...
El Dorado coach Ryan Mounce meets with his players during a timeout Tuesday. El...
Woodbridge boys basketball coach John Halagan, shown in a game last year, leads the...
Coach Rich Boyce will lead his Edison Chargers in the Gary Raya Classic next...
Woodbridge coach Keith Clarkson said he set up a tough schedule to get his...
Results: Third place: Huntington Beach 53,99Â Woodbridge 33 Championship: Box Hill SCCÂ of Australia...
Los Alamitos’ girls basketball team will face Box Hill SCC of Australia Saturday night...
The South Coast Holiday Girls Basketball Classic begins today (Monday, Nov. 26) at University...
Woodbridge junior Riley Pittman takes a shot during the Warriors playoff game against Riverside...
Woodbridge senior Jacob Nash was a two-way standout for the Warriors. (File photo Fernando...