Rai Sagustume of Pacifica, shown in a game against Crean Lutheran, was named to...
Nate Klitzing, a former Orange Lutheran assistant coach, is the new Crean Lutheran coach....
Cypress boys basketball team celebrates after winning the Coyota Classic. Cypress boys basketball team...
Yorba Linda and Edison boys basketball teams each notched victories in the Grizzly Invitational...
The first CIF boys basketball poll is out and Mater Dei is ranked fourth...
Senior Jared Brown, who is headed to Westmont College, led Cypress with 23 points...
Players from Woodbridge and Santa Ana meet before Thursday’s game. It wasn’t the way...
The Woodbridge High defense flexed its muscles early and often to boost the Warriors...
Welcome to the first night of high school football on OC Sports Zone. We’re...