December 22, 2024

OC Sports Zone: Community First

Ryan Lemmon Senior Baseball Showcase wraps up Saturday with three games

Empire League players get ready to take the field for Friday’s game with the Century League. (Photo: OC Sports Zone, Tim Burt).

The 25th annual Ryan Lemmon Senior Showcase wraps up with three more games Saturday, May 21, at Ryan Lemmon Stadium in Irvine.

The Orange League takes on the Orange Coast League at 10 a..m. At 1 p.m., the Trinity League faces the Sunset League and at 4:30 p.m., the Pacific Coast League meets a combined Sea View League-South Coast League game.

On Friday, the Golden West League defeated the Freeway League 3-1. Click here for a photo and story.

Zander Bretza of Segerstrom won the home run hitting contest.

In the second game, the Century League defeated the Empire League, 4-1. Check back later this weekend for a report on that game.

For more information on the showcase, click here:

—Tim Burt, OC Sports Zone;