March 31, 2025

OC Sports Zone: Community First

Update on Big West Conference fall sports seasons expected by July 20

The Big West Conference Board of Directors on Monday said they will provide an update on the fall athletic season for conference teams no later than Monday, July 20.

Schools in the Big West Conference include Cal State Fullerton, UC Irvine and Long Beach State.

Athletic officials are discusssing when fall sports can begin. Collegiate sports has been shut down since the coronavirus struck in March.

While the statement notes the safety and health of athletes, coaches, fans and staff is the “light by which we navigate this pandemic” and points out the importance and value of intercollegiate athletics, officials indicated a decision on fall sports does not need to made at this time.

“With that in mind, and directly reflective of the rapidly-evolving nature of the medical and scientific data that have driven and will continue to drive the decisions we make, it would neither be fair nor responsible to prematurely announce a final decision regarding fall athletics,” according to the statement. “We do not need to make that decision today, this week, or even this month.  Instead, we have time for our health experts to continue the work that will both inform and empower us to make a better evidence-based decision when the game clock of our fall season truly is nearing zero.”

The board also directed officials at each of the 11 member schools to start a phased in return to campuses which would include proper social distancing and must follow “any and all other health and safety protocols required by the CDC, NCAA, State Departments of Health, or local agencies must be observed.”

The statement added that “…. any other phased-in steps should be carried out with a focus on doing so with the fewest possible people on campus and always consistent with public health guidance.  We are hopeful for fall competitions, but we are cautious.”

-Tim Burt, OC Sports Zone;