February 23, 2025

OC Sports Zone: Community First

Northwood coach reaches out to his seniors and addresses uncertain times

Northwood’s football seniors gathered for a team picture before last season. (Photo courtesy Northwood football, For OC Sports Zone)

Northwood football coach Paige Nobles shared a letter with OC Sports Zone he sent to players on his team who were seniors last season and will be graduating this semester.

Nobles letter:

“I wanted to take this time to write and tell each of you how proud I am of y’all. This time in your lives should be filled with so many happy and exciting emotions but unfortunately because of the current events that has hit our entire country this has devastated so many senior plans, i.e., prom, national signing day, seeing your teammates, your classmates, your teachers and awesome coaches.

“So many of you have also had to celebrate your 18th birthdays via video chat. A lot of you had your senior spring season cut drastically short. Now with graduation coming up we are all wondering will we get to see y’all dressed up in your cap and gowns to receive your diploma or could that be by via video chat as well.

 “As a graduating Northwood football senior athlete you have been challenged to set your goals high and be industrious in all that you do. Y’all have been taught that athletics is a preparation for life and what you learn from being on a team is a microcosm of life. The things your coaches and myself taught you about life are about to begin or they are making sense now. Y’all are seeing first hand life isn’t fair. There will not always be victories just because you put in the effort. Failure will be right there to gobble you up and discourage you.

“Even though it seems like each and everyone of you got the short end of the stick in this current situation I want y’all to look at the bigger picture. I want y’all to remember the principles and the effort it took to learn discipline, self-sacrifice and perseverance, even though right now there is a lot of uncertainty there will always be one thing that will remain constant and very strong. That one thing is your teammates and the everlasting brotherhood y’all have formed while being a Northwood Timberwolf.

“I know I speak for all the coaches when I say y’all will be missed very much, you guys have gone through a lot and even though you might not be wearing that CIF championship ring you guys have something much more valuable. You guys have character, you guys have discipline, and most importantly you guys have each other and your coaches to be resources if needed. The bonds you have made with your football brothers will last a lifetime.

“On behalf of Northwood’s coaching staff and myself, we want to wish each and every one of you every success in the world no matter what y’all do after graduation.”

-Paige Nobles, head football coach at Northwood