February 26, 2025

OC Sports Zone: Community First

Irvine Ranch manager still out

Irvine Ranch Little League manager Doug Euper watches Monday’s game outside the fence at Woodfield Park.

Irvine Ranch Little League continues to play in the Section 10 Tournament in Aliso Viejo without its Manager Doug Euper for what Little League officials said was a substitution infraction in the District 55 Tournament.

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He’s been banned from managing but officials said he could cheer for his team. Monday night, Euper had reason to smile as his son, Casey, had a pinch-hit single in the team’s 10-3 victory over Santa Margarita.

RELATED STORY: Little League officials rule manager out

Doug Euper was again watching from beyond the outfield fence at Woodfield Park.

He is getting plenty of support from officials in the Irvine league and followers of the team.


  • Tim’s column returns Thursday on OC Sports Zone with notes about the week and sports updates. Please send information to: timburt@ocsportszone.com

Little League officials say they intend to stick with their decision. Irvine Ranch needs to defeat Huntington Valley to force another game Wednesday night in the double elimination tournament.

Only Irvine Ranch, which has one loss and undefeated Huntington Valley remain in the double elimination tournament.

If Irvine Ranch does advance to the Southern California tournament, the story will be magnified. Little League officals said that Euper, a long-time volunteer in the league, may not manage the rest of the season. The final decision was made by the Little League committee in Williamsport.

So far, they have not indicated they will change their mind or consider any appeals.