Cypress boys basketball team remained alone at the top of the Empire League, defeating...
Noah Honetschlager (left) and Matt DeAngelo led Tesoro to a victory Monday. Tesoro’s boys basketball team remained undefeated in...
The CIF boys basketball polls are out and Orange Lutheran is ranked No. 1,...
Clipper Darrell (middle) joins the Cypress basketball players after Monday’s game. Cypress boys basketball...
The CIF boys basketball polls are out for the first time since the holidays...
Newport Harbor Coach Robert Torribio led the Sailors to the title at the Century...
DJ Rodman, shown after a tournament game earlier this season at Northwood, helped JSerra...
Corona del Mar’s football team takes the field for the CIF finals vs. Grace...
Newport Harbor players celebrate toward the end of Saturday’s game. The 20th annual Orange...
Newport Harbor’s boys basketball team captured its 10th win a row, defeating Tesoro 60-50...